Chamber of Eco Commerce

Eco Commerce Accelerator


Startup success is more about the access to funding and customers, than the technology or product. At CEC, we choose only the smartest and scalable in Eco Innovation, and we select the most resourceful, dedicated and passionate people we can find.

From Incubator to Global Business Accelerator

Companies seeking to expand their offerings cross-border need competent and trustworthy partners. To find qualified and committed investors and business partners, you can apply for our new Business Accelerator program. 

Once selected to this Business Accelerator program, you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people for an intense 36 months. You will be developing your business within our international Eco Commerce ecosystem of experienced entrepreneurs, top executives, qualified investors, and resourceful mentors that we have been assembled specifically for you. From this network, you’ll receive invaluable advice and contacts via a series of meetings, workshops, feature presentations, and receive one-on-one input from the mentors you collaborate with. We have a roster of some of the most influential industry veterans and investors, and accomplished execs we know, they will provide the feedback and advice you are looking for to bring you “go-to-market” success.

If you have a ready-to-market eco innovation, then we have the network to accelerate it – that’s a great opportunity and a perfect match. All we ask of you now is to introduce your Eco Innovation by submitting a TSF (Technology Submittal Form) to us, if selected to the Business Accelerator program, we’ll handle the rest. Simple.

About the Business Accelerator Program

With our fast growing international network of regional Eco Commerce Hubs, CEC is in perfect position to connect investors, innovators, and customers globally. 

When you submit a TSF (Technology Submittal Form) or a Project request to us, we will simply assess your proposal. If your proposal qualifies for our Business Accelerator program, then you will receive an invitation to join us. We will help you find investors and/or companies interested in the same kind of cross-border business as you.

Meet Qualified Eco Innovators, Investors and Business Partners

At CEC sponsored forums and matchmaking events you can meet like-minded people, qualified eco innovators, investors, and business partners. Prior to these events we can schedule meetings for you and help you prepare for them. Matchmaking takes place at forums and online. 

Whether you find committed investors or business partners via our events, we continue to advise and assist you from the initial contacts, to making the deal, to managing and marketing your new venture worldwide. 

Your ‘go-to-market‘ success may be closer than you think! Contact your regional Eco Commerce Center or Chapter Leader for FREE application support, services or advice. 

International Co-Marketing Program

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Eco Commerce Eco System

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ET Market

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International Co-Operation for Green Growth

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Business Development